Grow Your Chess Skills Fast

Classes are provided online and in-person to help boost your rating, and events are held monthly to compete and exercise your skills - AND WIN PRIZES!



Why Think Fast?

Chess at the top level has always been a slow sport - we want to change that. Fast Chess takes the appeal of the ancient game and adds in an exciting twist. We still love the classical format, but the community for quicker games is rising with no one to support it. Think Fast Chess wants to change that.

Our Mission

We’re creating a fun and inclusive environment for all ages and skill levels to improve their game with a format that challenges the mind like nothing else. The classical chess tournament format can be exhausting for players and boring for spectators, so we specialize in the “Blitz” and “Rapid” time controls.

So why does using a chess clock and lowering the time limit make a difference? With the added element of time pressure, you build upon your intuition and force yourself to take more risks. This makes for more exciting games and can even help you beat higher ranked chess players that need more time to think.